The Design Review Process
Photo of the Reuble Barn, courtesy of Tekla Cunningham
In 2011, a cooperative agreement between the Town of Coupeville, Island County and the Trust Board of Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve was drafted and signed, establishing the Historic Reserve Committee made up of members from all three entities. This committee reviews construction projects in the Reserve and makes recommendations based on a set of design guidelines to a citizen-comprised Historic Preservation Commission, also established by the agreement. The result of these deliberations, designed to protect the historic character of the Central Whidbey Historic District and the Reserve, is the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness.
If you own any type of property in Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve and are planning a construction project, then your project may come under review and require a Certificate of Appropriateness. You can also reach out to the office of the Trust Board of Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve.
Levels A, B or C?
Applications are reviewed by town or county staff to ensure there is sufficient information to determine consistency with applicable guidelines and standards. What happens then depends on the level of review the project application falls under.
Todd-Lovejoy House, photo courtesy of Shirley Dalton
Level A: Review by the town or county planning official and you will be notified of a decision.
Level B: Review by the Reserve Committee comprised of staff from the County, the Town, and the Reserve. The Reserve Committee typically meets on the first Wednesday of every month to review your application. The public will be notified of this application with an opportunity to comment (see below) and you will be notified of a decision.
Level C: The Historic Reserve Committee will review the application in a public hearing at the Island County Commissioner’s hearing room, typically on the last Thursday of every month. You will be notified If the commission reaches a decision.
Town of Coupeville & Island County
You can find information related to the design review process, including the Ebey's Landing NHR Design Guidelines and relevant forms, by clicking on your jurisdiction below.
Contact the Preservation Coordinator at (360) 678-6084 for answers to questions about how the process works or for clarification on how your project meets the guidelines.
The E.O. Lovejoy House, photo courtesy of Rich Yukubousky