The Trust Board of Ebey’s Reserve
The mission of the Trust Board is to work through partnerships to preserve and protect Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve so it forever remains a living, rural community with an unbroken historical record.
The Trust Board of Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve coordinates management of the Reserve on behalf of four partners who have an interest in the Reserve: The National Park Service, Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, the Town of Coupeville, and Island County.
Trust Board Meeting Participation:
Public participation and attendance at Trust Board meetings is welcomed. Regular meetings are generally held at the Coupeville Library and workshops at the Fort Casey Conference Room. Regular meetings are streamed via Zoom video conference; workshops are held in person. Public comments are accepted during scheduled meetings as part of the regular meeting agenda. Persons wishing to comment should request the opportunity in advance. All persons wishing to attend the meeting remotely should contact Reserve staff to obtain Zoom login instructions. Comments provided in written form will be attached to the minutes of the Trust Board.
Meeting Schedule & Agendas
The Trust Board meets twice a month: the 2nd Thursday, from 2:30pm to 4:30pm, of each month is a workshop with no public comment and no business is transacted. The Regular Meeting of the Trust Board will be on the 4th Thursday of each month, from 2:30pm to 4:30pm. Meetings are scheduled for two hours however they may end earlier than noticed.
Trust Board Workshops are generally held in the conference room at Fort Casey. Workshops are in-person. Trust Board Meetings are generally held at the Coupeville Library on Alexander Street and via ZOOM Conference Services. Please check the agenda for the location of the regular meeting.
Trust Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the current fiscal year Trust Board regular meetings and special meetings can be found below.
FY 2025 Monthly Minutes
October | November | December | January | February | March
April | May | June | July | August | September
The Trust Board of Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve is not a non-profit or not-for-profit organization. It is a 9-member board of individuals appointed by the four governmental Partners of the Reserve (National Park Service, Washington State Parks, Island County and town of Coupeville). If you’re interested in joining the Trust Board, please contact the Island County Commissioner’s office or the town of Coupeville.
Position 1 - Town of Coupeville
Alix Roos, Trust Board Secretary
Alix Roos (M.A. Ed.) is a 5th generation farmer growing Sugar Hubbard squash and pumpkins on Ebey’s Prairie. Her grandparents were one of a handful of multigenerational farming families in the Reserve that gave up development rights on their family's land to preserve and protect the agricultural landscape so many are lucky to enjoy today. Her greatest joy is sharing the many wonders of life in Coupeville with her family. Prior to becoming a farmer, Alix was the Executive Director of Friends of Ebey’s, witnessing the appreciation and participation of the greater community through their volunteerism, gratitude and generosity. She was especially honored to work alongside the Friends board, the public and the Trust Board to save dozens of historic structures within the Reserve through the Ebey’s Forever Grant Program. She’s passionate about participating in the preservation of all aspects of the Reserve including the parks, the Town of Coupeville, open spaces and agricultural land.
Position 2 - Town of Coupeville
Lynda Austin, Trust Board Chair
Lynda moved to the Reserve in 1997. She lived in one of the turn-of-the-century officers’ quarters at Camp Casey for 10 years while raising her three daughters. In 2006, she was hired by the Trust Board of Ebey’s Landing NHR as the Office Manager. From 2008-2009, she was employed by the Trust Board as the Education Coordinator and worked with the Reserve Manager and Trust Board to develop, implement, and coordinate Ebey’s Reserve’s 30th-anniversary education program that became the Trust Board’s first annual conference on November 7 & 8, 2008. Lynda works for Island County and is the Director of Human Services. She has volunteer experience as a member of the Town of Coupeville Design Review Board (2007-2011), Coupeville Historic Waterfront Association (2007-2008), Oak Harbor High School Music Boosters (2013-2019), and Friends of Ebey’s (2015-2024).
Position 3 - Town of Coupeville
Jen Schmitz, Trust Board Treasurer
Jen has over 17 years of water resources management, environmental science, and regulatory compliance experience encompassing a wide array of technical and project management expertise with both private consulting firms as well as state, regional, and local governments. Jen holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology with a concentration in Ecology, and a Master of Science degree in Environmental Science with a concentration in Water Resources, as well as a number of certifications and other training. She is a resident of Coupeville, an avid gardener, and enjoys being both a foster and adoptive parent of rescue animals, including senior, hospice, and special needs pets.
This position is currently unfilled. If you are interested in representing Island County on the Trust Board, please contact the office of Commissioner Melanie Bacon, Island County Board of County Commissioners.
Position 4 - Island County
Position is currently open
Position 5 - Island County
Jared van der Duim
This position is currently unfilled. If you are interested in representing Island County on the Trust Board, please contact the office of Commissioner Melanie Bacon, Island County Board of County Commissioners.
Position 6 - Island County
Position is currently open
Position 7 - Island County At-Large
Kristen Griffin
Kristen has lived in the Reserve for 10 years. I have three little grandsons under the age of three! Introducing them to Whidbey beaches and trails is my joy. I have a BA and MA in Anthropology (WWU), but my real education has come from the places I have lived and the people I have worked with. These include working as an archaeologist in Washington, a National Park Service Historian in Alaska, Historic
Preservation Officer for the City of Spokane and Spokane County, and Reserve Manager of Ebey’s Landing NHR (retired in 2021). I am honored to have served on the Board of Directors of the Friends of Ebey’s Reserve, the non-profit that supports the Trust Board’s work. I love the Reserve and especially the concept that the Trust Board represents: ordinary citizens working together with government, to sustain a cherished and significant place. I believe that people and collaboration are the most powerful and important forces in any kind of conservation or preservation success.
Position 8 - Washington State Parks & Recreation
John Whittet, Central Whidbey Island Parks Area Manager
John is the Area Manager for the Central Whidbey State Parks. He has served the people of Washington State for 16 years as a WSPRC Park Ranger. The parks he has worked in include Fort Worden, Flaming Geyser, Alta Lake and Deception Pass State Parks. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biological Anthropology, with a minor in Environmental Studies, from John Muir College at UCSD.
Position 9 - National Park Service
Elexis Fredy, Superintendent of San Juan Island National Historical Park
Lex Fredy is Superintendent of San Juan Island National Historical Park and provides operational oversight for Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve. Lex is the appointed representative the National Park Service on the Trust Board.